
Waste Forum

Co-operation between REROC member councils in relation to waste management

The REROC Waste Forum was established in 1997 to promote co-operation between REROC member councils in relation to waste management. Since that time it has expanded beyond waste management issues to encompass a wide variety of environmental issues and has been responsible for initiating a number of diverse projects.

The Waste Forum focuses on a two-pronged approach to waste management in the region:

  • projects to improve community awareness and behaviour in relation to waste issues;

  • projects to identify and implement solutions in resource and infrastructure management.

All the General Purpose councils are participating members of the REROC Waste Forum. The REROC Waste Forum is a Voluntary Regional Waste Group and is partially funded through the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

The Waste Forum's most recent three-year strategic plan, sets an agenda of activities that includes both resource sharing activities that will lead to more efficient and effective waste management as well as community education activities that aims to increase the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices by eastern Riverina residents and increase the diversion of waste from landfill.

Some current Waste Forum projects include:

  1. Recycle Night? Recycle Right!

  2. Safe Sharps

  3. Community Recycling Centres

  4. Compost Doctor

  5. E-waste drop off locations

  6. Rural and Regional Waste Management Conference, No Time to Waste

  7. Garden Smart Workshops

To find out more information on the above projects plus others being undertaken by the REROC Waste Forum, please visit the Forum website.

Bin Trim

The REROC Bin Trim program focuses on large and small food businesses such as restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes etc and other entities involved in food preparation and/or food service. The project will increase the viability of local organics processing and improve the quality of compost produced for local use. The increase of uncontaminated food waste in Council's green waste deposits will improve the quality of the compost production enabling its use on Council's sports grounds, parks and gardens and other public facilities resulting in a circular outcome.

Bin Trim is a project of the NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy Initiative, funded from the waste levy.