Take Charge! 2013

Riverina youth… get motivated, feel inspired, be a leaders and Take Charge!

The first Take Charge Leadership Forum was held on Friday 23 August at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. Over 120 students attended the Forum along with 15 teachers and 15 guest speakers, mentors and Council staff.

Students heard from guest speakers such as:

  1. Dominic Mortimer - founded Kids2Kids charity at age 12
  2. Laticia Gibson - from becoming a national TV reporter for Channel Seven's Today Tonight aged 23, to living in London working for the BBC, Laticia relocated to Lockhart where she founded Blue Clay Productions.
  3. Sarah Groves who spoke about her Rotary Youth Exchange trip to Denmark.
  4. A Q&A session was held with Dominic, Laticia and also the workshop presenters Scott, Julie and Moira.

Interactive Workshops were held throughout the day and included:

  1. Who's who at the zoo (the process of local, state and federal politics) - Julie Briggs, REROC
  2. Connect the dots (how to use social media for good) - Scott Howie, Eastern Riverina Arts
  3. Using traditional media - Moira Shields, ABC Radio Riverina

Centennial held hip hop workshops throughout the day. Participants had 3 sessions with Centennial before putting together everything that was learnt throughout the day in the final 4th session. 

The project was funded by the NSW Government through Youth Opportunities. The best way to stay in touch with all the YouthROC news is on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TakeChargeRiverina 

Take Charge! 2013 Youth Leadership Dinner

Following on from the very successful Take Charge! Youth Leadership Forum, a dinner was held that night on Friday 23 August 2013 at Magpies Nest in Wagga Wagga.

The aim of the dinner was to celebrate youth leadership throughout the Riverina region. 100 people attended the dinner including young leaders aged 18-30, REROC member councils and representatives from RDA - Riverina and Eastern Riverina Arts.

Adam Marshall MP, Member for Northern Tablelands was keynote speaker. Adam was elected to Gunnedah Council aged 19, became Mayor at 23 before being elected in 2013 as the Member for Northern Tablelands.

Dominic Mortimer also spoke at the Dinner. Dominic is 15 and is the founder of the Kids2Kids Charity which he started at age 12. The aim of the charity is to help children living in Tanzania and Kenya. An overview of Dominic's charity can be found on this interview he did with The Project.

The project was funded by the NSW Government through Youth Opportunities and received sponsorship from RDA - Riverina


Leadership Forum Photos

Leadership Dinner Photos


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